What is a wehraboo
What is a wehraboo

Even where the perpetration of war crimes and the waging of an extermination campaign, particularly in the Soviet Union – where the Nazis viewed the population as " sub-humans" ruled by " Jewish Bolshevik" conspirators – has been acknowledged, they are ascribed to the "Party soldiers", the Schutzstaffel (SS), but not the regular German military. The debunked myth, heavily promoted by German authors and military personnel after World War II, completely denies the culpability of the German military command in the planning and preparation of war crimes. The myth of the clean Wehrmacht is the pseudohistorical notion that the regular German armed forces (the Wehrmacht) were not involved in the Holocaust or other war crimes during World War II. About 300 Polish prisoners of war were murdered by the soldiers of the German 15th motorised infantry regiment in the Ciepielów massacre on 9 September 1939

What is a wehraboo